(877) 447-9798

Rack Label Cover Up

Label cover-up solutions for rack and shelf labels are the most cost-effective method of handling beam revitalization and system update projects.  Its most important for operations which utilize barcode systems to prevent scan errors, confusion and the reduction in work rates caused by both.

Where beams have been used for some time, we often find multiple layers of rack labels from legacy systems, previous re-configurations and temporary sign applications.  Some of these layers are simply beyond help with most label cover-up solutions, however with preparation and enough smooth surface, we can provide the product to mask the old labels, as well as installation services if required.

Covering barcode rack labels requires a material which has sufficient opacity to prevent scan through.  Scan-through is where a barcode can be seen through the covering material which scanners are able to pick up if sensitive enough and most current scanners are.

There is no recommendation on how much covering you do, however, we always recommend a minimum of 6” either side of the new label to help reduce mis-scans and making it easier for operatives to see on the beam.

There are multiple color options with some choosing to use one which replicates the color of their rack beams, others go for plain white or light grey.  All materials can be supplied in sizes to suit your needs and as rolls or singles which will be dependent on the finish required and the volume of old labels to be covered.

ASG Services installation teams travel throughout the US, working on small and large projects, their professional approach and execution is refined by the preparation of project managers in-house who coordinate installations centrally from our offices outside Atlanta.  Our experience and understanding helps us work closely with customers who need swift progress with minimal impact to their operation.

Read more about our rack label installations.



Old Rack Beam Labels

Rack Label Covering

Rack Labels Covered

Rack Labels Renewed

Talk to ASG

Call (877) 447-9798 to discuss your situation so we can help you make the best choice in rack label cover-up options.

Email pictures of your beams

Send images of your beams or label cover-up project, along with any questions and we'll respond with all the information available to help you.

Do It Yourself!

We appreciate some customer prefer to carryout the work themselves, so we provide a range of standardized products on our online store. Click here to see the rack label cover placards available from stock.

Warehouse Labeling Warehouse Labeling

Our experience in warehouse labeling and installations allows us to draw on years of expertise through product design to label layouts on the racks.

Warehouse Label Designs Warehouse Label Designs

ASG Services are a leading manufacturer specializing in customized designs to suit each customer’s individual need.

Storage Location Data Storage Location Data

Why not email with your questions and any data information for us to consider with the response?

Visit our online store

Our online store provides customers with the opportunity to purchase standardized products. The same technology, production and quality control methods are used, so you can be assured of their performance and durability.

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