(877) 447-9798

Weight Capacity Labels

Safe use of pallet racking and shelving is not limited to the careful loading of heavy items, in fact the position on the pallet rack beam and how many heavy items will be on that beam, is critical to the structures overall strength and integrity.


Weight capacity labels provide a quick snap shot for reference and a reminder of the importance beam weight limits play, in the safety of your storage environment.

Weight Capacity Label


Our safe load rack labels provide clear information and are produced from durable materials to ensure they last as long as the racking. Produced from polyester, the label is constructed with a permanent adhesive and high definition print which is protected with a film coating. The label is designed to be in place and last, but not to withstand excessive impact.

Our production techniques are developed from years of producing rack location labels, so we have used these technologies to create weight capacity labels in exactly the same way.


Standard designs online:


Rack Load Label Rack Capacity LabelsMax Load LabelWeight Capacity Label


Backing options:


We also provide full custom design services, please call us on (877) 447-9798, to discuss your preference.


Unfortunately ASG Services cannot provide safe working load details for your racking. We recommend contacting the manufacturer of your rack or shelf units before placing an order for the capacity labels.


A common addition to rack labels are rack load signs

An addition to your labels and often an alternative, are our rack load signs. These are designed to provide warning and advisory information as well as a rack representation, so the information is clear and easy to use for everyone.  These can be found on our rack capacity signs page.

To customize our standard sizes, visit our online store or click here for the rack load labels page where you can enter your own details and order the number required.  The labels are produced in the same way but the design layouts are standardized.


If you would like to speak with us about your particular requirement, please feel free to contact us. We are able to combine label types and designs, so your rack location labels could also have the weight capacity incorporated leaving one label to be applied.

Rack Load Signs

Max Load Labels Max Load Labels

287.27 KB

Rack Load Signs Rack Load Signs

368.29 KB

Email us

If you have questions or need pricing, email and we'll respond with as much information as possible so you can make an informed decision.

Call us

Feel free to call and discuss your load label questions. We'll provide any information we can to help with your warehouse labeling project.

Buy online today!

Select your own colors and order yours today for quick delivery.

Rack Load Signs Rack Load Signs

Placards designed to present rack loading information, frame and structural detail, supplier contact points as well as site references to help improve safety and be a data reference point, all with your specific content and produced from durable materials.

Facility and Safety Placards Facility and Safety Placards

Custom safety signs are designed to meet your specific needs with logos, messages and images as required. Services from design to installation.

Flue Space Labels Flue Space Labels

ASG Services produce flue space labels for use on warehouse racking as well as most other custom warehouse labels for use in the logistics and distribution industry.

Visit our online store

Our online store provides customers with the opportunity to purchase standardized products. The same technology, production and quality control methods are used, so you can be assured of their performance and durability.

Browse now
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