(877) 447-9798

A significant reconfiguration of a large facility in Houston, TX utilized ASG Services’ high level project preparation and management to receive a full warehouse striping installation, while the facility remained fully operational.

ASG Services are market leaders in the provision of highly durable warehouse striping, which is developed to withstand warehouse traffic while being cost effective.  Several methods are available from unprepared (paint direct to concrete) options which are temporary and have low durability properties, through to embedded striping which is expensive but lasts far beyond expectations.

In Houston, ASG’s technical sales specialists identified the need for high durability, but understood that certain restrictions would not allow for the time and access required for an embedded option.  Instead, shot blasting was agreed to be the most suitable, providing a level of durability to challenge the embedded warehouse striping.

The key to being awarded the contract was not simply due to specification and pricing, ASG Services unique provision is its ability to plan the effective delivery of all its product range, with minimal impact on the customer’s operation, while maintaining quality and speed.

For Houston, drawings were produced with overlay grids showing regions of the facility required per day for preparation, coating and curing of the materials.  This enabled the customer to plan their inventory movements well in advance of the installation starting, so when ASG’s striping team started, they were unhindered from one area to the next and did not impinge on the operation.

Shot blasted preparation is a standard high performance solution for warehouse striping and is used by customers with busy high traffic distribution centers as a standard.  Our machines remove the smooth surface of the concrete floor leaving a roughened fresh concrete surface for the epoxy coating to key with.In the Houston facility, Greg, James and Chris got to work on 7400 linear feet of striping creating staging areas which were completed with 800 stencils to identify the pallet locations created.  To help maintain easy recognition, the customer required 3000 linear feet of existing striping to be removed.  Due to the durability of the existing striping, ASG chose to blast this away and reseal the concrete once complete.

This project was on a small scale, but provides an insight into the capacities, considerations and planning given by ASG Services project teams.  If this is similar to a project you will be working on soon and you would like to know more, please feel free to contact us, we’d be happy to help answer any questions and start on our journey with you.

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Warehouse Striping Warehouse Striping

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