(877) 447-9798

ASG Services is well known for its production and installation capacities, and is used extensively throughout the US by companies who know they can really on the experts in their field.

We received a request to design and produce 1,856 barcode signs which could be used as location reference signs, hung from the ceiling in a huge distribution center in California.  The customer utilizes racking, shelving and other storage systems, but wanted to bring order to their floor storage zones.

ASG Services project specialists worked with the customer to create a design and content to match their specific needs.  To help clarify the finished products, samples and proofs were sent back and forth until clearance was given to start production on the new warehouse barcode signs.  The installation division of ASG Services was then introduced to begin the careful planning required to provide this type of installation, particularly in and around a busy operational DC.

Once all installation materials were ready, signs produced and the installation team prepared, the project management handover was given to Toby and Johnathan, detailing all the specifics of the project, any difficulties which may be experienced and of course, the all-important time frame in which everything must be achieved.

Every installation project is broken into areas which are considered installation phases.  These provide the team with vital indicators, used to identify issues which may occur later in the process or show improvements which the customer may benefit from, such as areas being released to the operation sooner than expected.

As is often the case, the customer was a supportive in our needs as ASG Services was in theirs.  Both parties worked diligently enabling the installation to complete a day ahead of schedule, releasing valuable storage areas to the customer and Toby and Johnathan for a well-earned rest!

With the warehouse barcode signs hung, project completed and signed off, ASG Services are once again in talks with the customer regarding upcoming projects as well as product development on a new requirement.

ASG Installation Services ASG Installation Services

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Warehouse Hanging Signs Warehouse Hanging Signs

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